Creative actions on climate
change and human rights

Mambya’s Tuzinne Festival 2017 – Where Human Rights Dance

Human rights are pressing concerns in Uganda and East Africa. Recognizing dance’s ability to attract, unite, raise awareness, stimulate thought, and drive change, Mambya Arts organized an annual international festival to celebrate and promote human rights through dance.

Tuzinne 2017: July 10-31st

The first edition of this remarkable human rights dance festival featured three weeks of dance workshops in both Nakivale Refugee Settlement in South West Uganda and Kampala, in addition to an evening finale extravaganza at the Goethe Zentrum in Kampala.

The workshops at Nakivale Refugee Settlement included residents from over 10 countries (and languages!). The aim was to provide people with the platform to express themselves and tell their stories through dance and performance.

Listen to Tuzinne founder Oscar Ssenyonga share his dreams for the Nakivale workshops:

Oscar Ssenyonga in Nakivale Refugee Settlement with Tuzinne Festival

In addition to the workshops at Nakivale numerous workshops were held in Kampala from international and national dancers and coregraphers like Adam Chienjo and XXX. Talks were also held by human rights organisations such as Foundation for Human Rights Initiative

Goethe Zentrum in Kamwokya, Kampala, hosted the two-day finale of the festival with performances from ten dance companies from Rwanda, DR Congo, Burundi, Kenya, as well as Uganda, all with a focus on Human Rights.

“Adam Chienjo from Kenya performed a routine about a human body – the connection to human rights included fat-shaming and racism. Two performances had disabled people on stage, like the one by Pamoja Dance Company that clearly brought the theme of the festival to life, especially with images of neglect of disabled people’s rights.The performance featured two dancers; one in a wheelchair and the other able-bodied.”Andrew Kaggwa, The Monitor

Watch highlights from the festival on the rooftop of Goethe Zentrum below:

Press Coverage:

Tuzinne Festival 2017
The Observer 2017:

Culture unlimeted RadioInterview with Oscar Ssenyonga