Creative actions on climate
change and human rights
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Tree planting with urban communities in Kampala
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Raising Awareness on Climate Change
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Raising Awareness on Climate Change
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Cleaning with urban communities
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1 million trees planted in Uganda.
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Act Africa Now is a small but powerful environmental project under Mamyba Arts Foundation founded in 2013 in Kampala, Uganda.

We focus on improving environmental conditions in vulnerable slum communities. These areas suffer from limited green spaces, degraded soil with plastic and sewage, and constant flooding threats due to the absence of trees and clogged drainage.

Act Africa Now believes:
IF communities get trees, plant care knowledge, and understand the environmental and health benefits,

THEN communities can improve soil quality, grow their own food, and reduce the risk and impact of flooding. Together, we’re building a more resilient future with communities.

But we can’t do it alone. We need your support whether through financial contributions, volunteering your time, or connecting us with valuable resources. Let’s plant 1 million trees together.

Act Africa Now Video:

Kira Road police station trees one year on.

What were working on right now:

Reporters from New Vison newspaper covered our clean up day – talking to the local leaders and community member about the challenges in their area and the impact Mambya Arts Foundation and Act Africa Now is having.
On Thursday 18th July 2024 in Katoogo Zone, Bwaise Mambya Arts Foundation held an inspiring Community Activation Day focused on environmental cleanup and tree planting in Kampala.
Marigold Engineering recently teamed up with Mambya Arts Foundation to support a tree-planting initiative at Success Junior School in Bwaise.