Creative actions on climate
change and human rights

Organic pest control with garlic!

At Ewaka Mixed Farm in Kayunga, an initiative of Mambya Arts, we are using garlic water to spray on plants as an organic pest control. Aphids and cabbage bugs, especially, are repelled by garlic water.

We will also use it to minimize bacteria and pests entering the greenhouses we are developing. A foot tray with garlic water will be placed at the entrance for all shoes to step in before entering!

To make the mixture more potent, you can try adding crushed chili. Adding organic soap will help the mixture stick to the leaves better.

Planting garlic between other plants (intercropping) has also been proven to reduce pest infestation (IOSR Journal, Zimbabwe, 2014, University).

Watch Joel explain on the farm what they do with garlic:

Garlic Water Recipe for Plants

  • 6 cloves of crushed garlic
  • 2 hot peppers, chopped
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 spoon of organic soap
  • 1 bottle for spraying

For storage, seal the container to keep the potency.

Why not book a tour to see the farm and learn about organic growing methods? Contact to organise.